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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reflection to the Personality traits test we had 2 weeks ago...

To know own self is a good thing for us such that in every person living in this world to know oneself is the only thing that can lead him or her to somewhere he/she want whether in good or bad way. Because you can never excel in such things or works or jobs without knowing what you can do best or what you are really capable of. Those things can be learned in such many ways like; in your daily life you encounter things you do expect and also those things you do not expect and by those things whether it is a problem or not, you learn something within that situation that you tackle even if it brings you down because there are things that you need to learn in every step of your day not only through successes but through mistakes also; and there are also things you learn through exams that is given to you, without knowing the result of your exam you need to accept what result may come out after the exam. I know that exams like this have no wrong and correct answer such that all you need to do is to answer the exam honestly and with all your heart. Even if it has corresponding points on what you answered on the exam, whether the result is high or not or you are not satisfied with the exam, you need to be happy with the result because somehow it helped you to know yourself even in the simplest way. And there are still a lot of different kinds of ways to learn something in your own self. This learning stuff doesn't take much of your time and can never interrupt in to what you are doing in your daily life; you just know it when you learn it.

For me I know much of my own self than the others in terms of attitudes and personalities. I know that with my attitudes and personalities, I can use it as factors that can contribute to my success. Also remembering that there are personalities in me that I need to control in order for me to bring myself to the top. I will never do what Steve Jobs did to his career, I mean, there are factors in his personality that did bring him down. And I don't like to happen it to me also, because I might lose the things I already gained and it’s not that easy to reach the goal you hope for in your life. Steve Jobs was lucky enough that he brought Apple Computers in to reality and make it a big business, if not he couldn't get back in to what he has worked hard for. That's why I need to control or limit the worst attitude I had so people would act and think positive towards me. No other person can know more than yourself but only you, yet there are certain people who tell things about your personality and your attitudes and still don’t know who you really are. These are the people who misjudged you and those people who quickly judge other people. If I was in a place of being misjudged by another person, I will let it pass and have his/her own way judging me which is wrong. There are more things important than facing these kinds of people and I wouldn't take it that hard because I know more "ME" than them.

"What is really the purpose why we took the personality traits exam? Is this important to us? What do we really need to know that even we don't know to our selves?” I said to myself on the day that we are going to take the said exam. Maybe we take that exam for us to know who we really are, so we will be aware of our own self if there are any things that can do good or bad to our fellowmen, but still not knowing what the exam is all about. Or maybe we need to take the exam just to answer the assignment number two that has given to us few weeks ago. And later on just to find out that the exam is all about for us to know if we really are capable to become a technopreneur or not to become a technopreneur or is there a little bit chance for us to become one. And it is my first time to take this kind of personality traits exam, I never had this kind of exam because this is the first time I took myself in to and enrolled in to a subject course that is all about both entrepreneur and technology at the same time. By that it involves more of entrepreneur which gives the reason for me to be like a first timer to take that kind of exam. And to think that the exam was so hard but as I take the exam it turns out that the exam was that easy such that you only have to be honest on to what you’re going to choose from the paired situations. So in every corresponding numbers I encountered questions that you have to choose between other stuffs and the thing that involves much in money and in business. And that gives me an idea that this exam is really helpful for us students for us to know the potentials in us to become a successful technopreneur or businessmen. I thought that this personality traits exam was just an ordinary exam that most of the students take from their professors/instructors. Because at first when I saw the exam it’s just a bunch of sentences that have money involvement and other personality situations in it. so I started to answering the exam as I said earlier, but in every situations given I said to myself what if I don't answer it honestly, instead I will answer it according to what is the correct answer that can lead me to have a high score and just to show to my classmates that time that I have the businessman in me because I got a high score. Yet I didn't do it because the truth is, even if I "cheated or lie" to the exam, it’s like I lie also to myself. And with that kind of act, I’m already fooling myself and it’s a shame on my part even if they did not know that I lied in every number we answered. By the way I got the score of 43 (forty three) which describes to somewhat entrepreneurial and it makes me like the result.

The personality traits exam really got me there in telling me whether I am going to be a technopreneur or not or just maybe it just did show me that I have a potential of being a technopreneur someday. though I don't have to be like Bill Gates' Microsoft Corporation and Steve Jobs' Apple Computers, with the personality traits exam we had last week, I know realize that I have the potential to be a technopreneur. I can't believe to myself that I have the same potential as to my other classmates. Because we had the personal traits exam together and it was a good time for me to take the exam such that I had my mind open in that kind of exam that you choose to which situation are you going to take. As I go further to the situations given, I already find myself already being a technopreneur due to the fact that the choices given are all about money and some other stuff. And as a one of the majority of the people who seeks more of money and less of standards in life, I did choose those situations that money is more needed. But not all the paired situations I did chose the most are those situations that involve money, because there are some situations that personal traits of being you reigned rather than being me as an all-money-in-mind thing. Not all the times you have to think about the money because there are times that the real you is more important than the money you can earn. Your business my lead you to your success but neither the business nor the money you earn can bring all the real you to your so called success in life. You have to give both much time in balance so the businessman in you and together the real you can fit together and that might just bring you to your greater success that you least expected.

And there are question keeps bugging me about the things that are keeping me away from setting my mind to become technopreneur and no only to become the most of the people expected they become to be, to become an employer. And these are the following questions;

1 Do I really have to be a technopreneur to provide my needs?
2 Does really being a technopreneur can help me out in my financial needs?
3 Am I going to be ready to become a technopreneur?
4 Am I willing to give my time (because being a successful technopreneur, it takes time for you to build your own business) for me to become a technopreneur?
5 Is this really my goal in life? Or am I willing to change that goal? (Because I know in myself it can bring me to greater success that I least expected in my life.)

These questions remind me of the question that is given to us by our professor in our assignment number one. "How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?” that is the question I’m talking about. Though after I answered that question and thought of it many times I’m not really satisfied of me being a technopreneur. I still have my doubts of being a technopreneur, its because at the first day that I enrolled in the course Bachelor of Science in Information Technology or BSIT, I asked myself what is really going to be my life or shall I say what are really my work/job after I finish my studies and abruptly say to myself "I am going to work at a high-salary, known, and good company.". My mind is locked up to those things I want to be and where to work at when I finished my studies at college. though the change of mindset that is taught to us by our good professor is a life changing or a career path changing, I still got the same mindset as the old one I had before that I’m going to be working at a company and be an employee instead of being and employer. And time to time I want to change the mindset of mine, because such mindset that I bear for a long time is not that easy to forget or to change it abruptly. Though I’m at a stage of confusion to what I am going to do with the mindset, that I’m going to change it or I’m just going to stick with my own mindset. I’m having this confusion because I lack of resources to become a successful technopreneur, though I have my determination to become a technopreneur, the ideas for a good business and especially I’ve done the personal traits exam, and I found out that I am capable of being a technopreneur. But still I don’t have the money to start my own business, I don’t have the resources I need in order to build the business I want in order to become one. So that’s why I have my hesitations to become or to train myself to turn out to be a technopreneur someday. But with the purpose of why I am studying at college is for me to finish my studies and be able to work and gain money to provide my financial needs. And perhaps when I finish my studies and am able to set aside the money that I can and will earn. I can possibly make my own business even if I have to start at a small business because that’s where most of the big businesses came from. And with the things I learned from the personality traits test, I realized that in some there are things in ourselves that need to be learned not only in our own ways, but also in other people, like what our professor/instructor teaches us in the school. And finally, as I earlier "I am still learning and willing to learn how am I going to change my mindset even if it takes a long period of time.", because change is a good way to know one self better and better.

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